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Ultrasonic milk analyzers, Somatic cells counter,

Themostatic devices, Antibiotic test devices, Antibiotic test


LACTOSCAN is a trade name of measuring instruments for the Dairy Industry.  LACTOSCAN offers series of portable ultrasonic milk analyzers for quick analyses of fat, solids-non-fat (SNF), proteins, lactose, added water, temperature, freezing point, pH, solids, conductivity as well as density of one and the same milk sample directly after milking, at collection and during processing.  Also, it offers Thermostatic devices for Antibiotics and Inhibitors tests, and the Somatic cells counter based on the Fluorescence microscopy technique for cells counting.

How and where can I use LACTOSCAN milk analyzers?

LACTOSCAN changes milk collection – the milk analyses pass from milk laboratories towards milk collecting centers, farms, and small dairy farms. With 12 V adapters, milk analysis can be moved on the milk collection trucks. Possessing high accuracy and speed, minimal power consumption and lack of consumables make LACTOSCAN milk analyzer attractive for the Dairy industry. Easy to work with, low cost maintenance and low price make LACTOSCAN milk analyzer suitable for dairy farms, milk collection centers, dairy enterprises, milk selection centers and laboratories. LACTOSCAN milk analyzers can be used in small dairy plants for quality assurance and control of important economic parameters as fat and protein where fast and accurate results enable quick adjustments in the production for optimal production economy. LACTOSCAN milk analyzers can also be used for pioneering quality-based payment schemes in places where payment analysis is decentralized and require a smaller number of daily tests. The fast and accurate results enable offering immediate and fair payment to the milk producers. LACTOSCAN milk analyzers is a solution for milk composition analysis used within: milk payment analysis to ensure a fair payment to the dairy farmers, milk standardization to improve the quality, process control and economy in dairies, Dairy Herd Improvement to optimize feeding and breeding practices.

What are the advantages of the Ultrasonic method compared to the Infrared technology?

The Ultrasound technology overcomes some of the basic disadvantages of the infrared technology. Due to the ultrasound technology:

  1. LACTOSCAN milk analyzers measure directly cold milk samples starting at 5°C.
  2. There is no need of LACTOSCAN milk analyzers‘ periodical calibration.
  3. The measurement accuracy of LACTOSCAN milk analyzers is not dependent on milk‘s acidity.
  4. Analyzing any kind of milk.

What are the advantages of LACTOSCAN milk analyzers when compared to the rest of the ultrasonic milk analyzers?

Milk sample temperature from 5 to 40°C Milk sample temperature only from 15 to 30°C
FAT measuring range 0 — 25%
FAT measuring range only 0,5 — 9%
Ambient temperature range 5 — 35°C Ambient temperature range only 15 — 30°C
Calibration, possible to be done in every laboratory Can be calibrated only from the producing company


What are the advantages of LACTOSCAN milk analyzers when compared to the Тraditional chemical methods?

Analysis time Approx. 60, 30 sec. > 12 minutes
Parameters FAT, Protein, Lactose, Solids-non-fat, Freezing point depression, Added water, Milk temperature,Solids, Density. Fat only
Operation Operator independent;
For non-skilled users.
Very operator dependent;
For skilled laboratory personnel.
Measurement Automatic Manual
Stability Simple and robust construction and no human errors. Includes many accessories in testing and human handling.
Accuracy 2% CV ~ 2.5% CV
Sample handling No sample treatment - analysis of cold samples Centrifuging, water bath, chemicals
Reagents No reagents Hazardous chemicals — e.g.sulphuric acid
Technology Ultrasonic technology Approved reference method
Safety Offers operator safety Not safe to use
Value of ownership Low cost per analysis and quick adjustment in production for optimal production economy. For Cost per Milk Sample Comparison. Costs for glass bottles, butyrometers, centrifuge, chemicals, labor and long testing time => delay in production adjustment.


What are the most frequent falsifications in milk and in what way LACTOSCAN milk analyzers help preventing them?

  1. Falsifications - aiming increasing the volume of the milk – added water, fat detraction, double falsification (simultaneously added water and fat detraction), adding whey, or other liquids.
  2. Falsifications, when unusual substances are added. The aim of this is to cover another kind of falsification or to stop turning the milk foxy. For this purpose are used flour or farina when there is added water to the milk, and soda bicarbonate when the milk is with increased acidity and different aseptic substances.
  3. Mixing different kinds of milk and offering it as more valuable kind. Mixing goat and sheep’s milk and offering it as a sheep's, have skimmed cow milk with whole buffalo for whole sheep’s etc.

For more details: Milk falsifications

What has to be done in case I need to print out the measurement results?

In order to print out the results connect the printer towards the analyzer via two cables: interface cable and power cable 12V and switch on the printer.
The way of connecting is shown on the scheme in the Operation manual. If you prepare cables yourselves or want to connect another printer, they have to correspond to those, pointed out in the manual.

Which is the data necessary to be told to the service specialist in case that in the process of exploitation there is a need to ask question regarding the analyzer?

Due to the big variety of the analyzers as a result of their continuous improvement you have to send the data, written on the display during the below described initialization procedure i.e. the analyzer's identity.
Receiving the identity of the analyzer:

Switch On the "Power" Button, which starts the identification procedure. For a short time the display shows the number of identity, for example:

Lactoscan SA 50
Vers: 59 23-02-12
Ser.N 5608

You must send us the serial number of the analyzer, engraved at the rear panel together with the following information:
Contact person, name of the company you've bought the analyzer from.

  1. When was the analyzer bought?
  2. How long it was working correctly?
  3. Did you use another analyzer produced by us till now? If yes, how long and how many analyzers you have available at you at the moment?
  4. Did you calibrate the analyzer or you are working with factory calibrations?
  5. Did you set, correct, calibrate or repair the analyzer?
  6. Please, describe the problem of the analyzer in details. If we have no detailed information it will be difficult to help you quickly, because we'll need to ask additional information.

Measuring water samples

I received the milk analyzer from the supplier and decided to try it right away. As there wasn't any milk in the office I've poured water and started measurement. The results seemed to me disturbing.
Example for several consequent measurements:
Fat = 0.05%
Fat = 0.02%
Fat = 0.08%
The results for the rest of the parameters were analogous, even the results for Freezing Point and Added Water were not shown. But when I've changed the water with milk on the following day I was pleasantly surprised, as the results were stable and even with smaller deviations compared to the water samples.
Question: What is the reason?


These are deviations in results, out of the measurement range. We recommend making evaluation only with real milk samples. Water measurements are used only during personnel's training without results interpretation.

When water is measured (instead of milk), Fat results are near to zero, then the results for Freezing point and Added Water are totally wrong, that's why they are not displayed.

I’ve seen on the site that both models LACTOSCAN S and LACTOSCAN SA look in one and the same way. What is the difference between the 2 models?

The biggest difference between the two models LACTOSCAN S and LACTOSCAN SA is the cleaning system. LACTOSCAN S is with one peristaltic pump for the measuring system, while LACTOSCAN SA is with two peristaltic pumps – one dealing with the measuring system and the second one for the cleaning, which allows SA to be automatically cleaned without the operator’s interference.

What is the normal power supply for the analyzer?

In normal mode, the analyzer is powered by a Switching Adapter with output voltage 12V. If the device is powered by another source, for example car battery, a voltage, suitable for the adapter has to be ensured. In case of doubts about the correct work of the analyzer, measure with a multimeter the value of the voltage. It can be done without dismounting the analyzer, but using the coupling for connection of the outer printer. It is next to the power supply coupling; in fact they are 2 parallel couplings.

After the analyzer is powered, there is no information on the display. How can I check the correctness of work for the separate modules?

If after switching on the analyzer there is no information on the display, possible reasons for this could be:

  1. There is no power supply for the analyzer (may be checked without opening the box of the analyzer).
  2. Broken LCD module or no connection with LCD PCB (in the version of the analyzers with such PCB) or with the MainPCB (in the “Light” versions of the analyzers. In this case: check the cables and their connections between the LCD module and its control PCBs and adjustment of the couplings between them. This procedure is done with disconnected power supply and open box of the device.
  3. Broken module Main PCB. After switching on the power supply, in normal state the Main PCB switches on the pump in order to suck out eventually left from the sample residues. Pay attention whether this happens (you have to hear the noise from the working pump). Possible reason for this can be problem in the Main PCB or in the pump. This may be checked without opening. If this step is successfully fulfilled, next information for the state of the analyzer is the sound signal, which is heаrd simultaneously with showing on the display the message “Analyzer Ready”. If the analyzer has such a signal, it means that the Main PCB is working and then you have to check its connection with the LCD PCB or with the LCD module for the “Light” version. If this sound signal is not heаrd, then you have to open the analyzer and then to switch on the power supply. Check the 2 LEDs and if one of them lights constantly for more than 2-3 seconds, without obviously changing its light intensity, the analyzer has to be switched off and send to the nearest service center for repair. If these tests are successful, the reason for not working device is in the LCD PCB.
  4. Broken module LCD PCB. As there are not outer indicators for the state of this PCB, you have to check cables and couplings, connecting this PCB with the rest of the modules.

After switching on the power supply display shows only “lcd vers xx” and stops. What could be the possible reason?

The possible reason for this is that there’s no connection between the two basic modules of the analyser – Main PCB and LCD PCB. Possible problem with the Main PCB module (check it according the instruction above). If you are sure that the Main PCB is working correctly, open the analyzer and check the cables and couplings between both PCBs.

What kind of information is necessary to send to the service center in case of eventual problem with the analyzer?

To receive quick answer from the service center you have to add the following information:

  1. Contact person/company you’ve bought the analyzer from. How long did you use the analyser – please, describe what models you are using.
  2. Serial number of the analyzer.
  3. Description of the problem. Please, describe when and how it occures:
    1. right after transportation and delivery to you i.e. problem appeared with switching on the analyzer for the first time;
    2. Analyzer worked for a definite time ????? (mention the term) and then the problem appeared.
    3. Your opinion about the state of the separate modules in case of described above indications.


We have a problem when connecting LACTOSCAN milk analyzer to a PC – what is the reason?

In the process of production connection between Lactoscan and computer type IBM PC on RS232
is a must, i.e. it is not possible the device to be produced without working RS 232 communication. The
possible reasons for occurring problems in communication are as follows:

  1. The analyzer is with Net Number different from 0. In order to speed up the communication with the computer, on principle, all software tools for work with the computer are developed with Net Number 0. The operator has to check the number of the analyzer and to set it to 0 using the current program or using the procedure, described in the analyzer’s Operation Manual.
  2. The cable, used for connection is with diagram, different of the described in the operation manual. The operator has to use either original cable, production of the company-producer or to make it using this diagram. This cable has to be connected towards port with inscription RS232 at the back panel of the analyzer.
  3. The COM port of the analyzer, where the cable was connected, was not correctly chosen. The Destop type computers are with embedded 2  ports – numbered 1 and 2. The possibility is cable to be connected towards one port and the other to be pointed out in the program. If the ports are not numbered on the computer, change the coupling or point out another number in the program.
  4. Incorrect installation of USB to RS232 converter, when used computer type Laptop, with out embedded serial ports. After completion of such installation, using Start=>Settings=>Control Panel the operator must check whether the converter is correctly installed as COM1 or COM2, in other case the port will not work. Possible reason for this can be incorrect installation or incompatibility of the computer’s chipset and converter. In such case more information from the converter’s producer is needed.
  5. Available another, constantly working program (or virus), which occupies the chosen communication port. Please, ask your system administrator to determine the working capacity of the communication ports of your PC using system tools like establishing communication between two computers via COM ports. Only after you are convinced that the  ports of your computer function problem free you may pass to the concrete test of the connection with the analyzer using the current program.
  6. Loosen connections on the cable/coupling connecting the rear panel of the analyzer with the main PCB, situated in the device – you may check it only with analyzer opened. Possible reasons for this may be vibrations during transportation of device to the customer.

When analyzing a reference sample without added water, the analyzer measures all parameters correctly, but shows 8% added water. How is it possible to correct the added water to 0%?

1-st way:
Please, read carefully Appendix 6 of the Operation Manual. The readings of added water depend on the correct determination of milk’s Freezing point and Basic Freezing point.

For basic freezing point (FrPoint_base) one has to enter the measured freezing point of the control milk sample.

In order to change the value of the added water the basic freezing point needs to be changed (FrPoint_base).
Enter mode: SetUp – Settings – EditFrPoint – FrPoint1
Factory set FrPoint_base = -0,520
To decrease the value of the added water one has to increase the basic freezing point (for example from -0,520 to -0,500).
To increase the value of the added water, the basic freezing point has to be decreased (for example from -0,520 to -0,540).

2-nd way:
In order to change the readings for the added water:
SetUp – Corrections – Calibration1 – Water – (+/-)%
(+) increases, (-) decreases the correction in the value of the added water.

Can you please explain about the database program? What the username & the password is?

Username:1   password: 1   

It stores all data from measurement and you can generate reports for date/time period with all measurements made. When you log in, in the help section there is the user manual.

What the Admin password is? Is it intend for the service? Is it needed for the recalibration?

The admin password is: MCCwXXXX, where XXXX is the serial number of the machine. It is written on the back of the machine or you can see it in Help->Device Identity. At the moment behind the admin password is located “Restore factory settings” option, which can reset the machine to the state it left our factory. Please note that reset will erase all new calibrations and settings that you have applied.

I see that every new test the analyzer create a new TXT file with the current date - How can I reach to this file & use it or print it or edit it? Where this file is saved or located?

All tests from a current date are stored in the same file. The files are located in C:/LSdata/import. You can print the generated pdf report from the database program.